
Kindy & Early Learning

The early years of life are critical to learning

Kindergarten (Kindy) and Pre-primary education provides an important foundation for both brain development and instilling a child's lifelong love of learning.

We have a holistic view of education and cater for the physical, creative, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual domains of learning in our classrooms.

Creating Confident Learners

At SCBC Kindergarten (Kindy) and Pre-Primary, we believe in providing a dual approach to education which supports every child to become confident learners. As educators, we recognise the importance of teaching fundamental skills of Literacy and Numeracy while being inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach.

Kindergarten and Pre-Primary provide opportunities for play, investigation, exploration and expression of ideas. Our Kindergarten and Pre-primary curriculums have adopted the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF).

SCBC is the first choice school in Rockingham, Waikiki, Kwinana, Secret Harbour and surrounding areas.

Kindergarten students attend for full days, 5 days a fortnight, and Pre-Primary students attending for full days Monday to Friday.


‘Children need the freedom and time to play. Play is not a luxury. Play is a necessity’

Kay Redfield Jamison


If you'd like to find out more about what we can offer your child through our early learning programs, please contact us here.


The core tenet of our pedagogy is that education and care is based on meaningful and equitable relationships, which stems from our belief that all people are created equally, and all are worthy of respect and love.

For us, the quality of relationship developed with the child has a direct link to the effective practice of teaching the children and guiding them to discover new things and think for themselves. We believe that if the teacher-child relationship is based on mutual respect, active listening and the sharing of knowledge and skills, the child’s capacity to learn and discover the world is enhanced.

We aim to make strong genuine connections with families to support the children's learning. We foster a shared sense of achievement through regular communication and by providing opportunities for parent and caregiver involvement in the classroom. Throughout the year there will be a number of special events and opportunities in which parents and caregivers can become involved.

The College also has adjacent childcare services for those families who require some extended before or after school care, vacation care or long day care. To find out more about childcare services, click here.

Reggio Emilia

Reggio Emilia understands that all children are unique, strong and capable of constructing and co-constructing their own knowledge and understanding. Best practice asserts that children learn through play, and our educators listen to children and plan experiences that foster learning through play. We provide opportunities where educators can be responsive to children’s ideas, and link these ideas to extend literacy and numeracy knowledge. Projects provide a pathway for exploring and achieving collaboration and opportunities for children to hypothesize and test their hypothesis, to become more engaged in their learning, and participate with much larger intent.

Our classroom environment supports the Reggio approach that sees the environment as critically important. Our educators provide an environment rich with creative, sensory, and intentional learning centres that engage and encourage children to become confident learners.

Our goal is to capture the heart of a child through play-based learning, which develops a love and excitement for learning—the foundation on which social, emotional, psychological, spiritual and creative wellbeing is developed and ultimately sustained into adulthood.